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Work/Safety Shoes(Standard:No Standard)

Work shoes and safety shoes are the shoes used by the employees working at construction sites, factories, transport operations and light work. Work shoes have steel or resin toe boxes on the tips, and they are heavier in weight than general leather shoes. Thanks to those toe boxes, however, they are capable of preventing injuries in case the workers hit their feet against something in their way or heavy objects fall on the toe. In order to protect the safety of the operators, they are obliged to use work shoes at work sites. Materials used primarily on the surface of work shoes and safety shoes are leather or mesh. Leather-made shoes have excellent durability, and many of them are formal in their appearance. Some of them are anti-skid or oil-resistant types, and they have models that are suitable for construction industry, ship deck operations and welding operations, too. Mesh-made type have excellent breathability, which makes it easier to release moisture on the foot. There is also a type of shoes which use compound rubber with electrically conductive material in the outer soles, and they are suitable for use in warehouse operations, by movers of moving companies, etc.

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Product Series
Days to Ship
Product Type
Antistatic Function
Upper Type
Oil Resistance
Toe box

    Cold-Weather Safety Boots 85705

      Super Antistatic Sneakers 85111

        Super Mechakaru Safety Shoes 85114

          Kitchen Chef Shoes 85665

            Cold-Weather Boots 85781

              Safety Sneakers, Tie-in String Type A550

                Antistatic Waterproof Safety Shoes 85109

                  Disposable Slippers

                    Hyper V#2000

                      Safety Shoes 85102

                        Safety Shoes 85115

                          Kitchen Shoes 85661

                            Insole (With Plate for Protecting Soles)

                              Care Walker 700 FMC700

                                Cold-Weather Safety Boots 85710

                                  Toe Box Work Shoes / Safety Shoes (Synthetic Leather Shoes) A350 Hook & Loop Fastener Type

                                    Safety Shoes 85124

                                      Safety Shoes 85404

                                        Short length Safety boots

                                          safety shoes

                                            Nurse Walker 201 FMN201

                                              Cold-Weather Boots 85780

                                                Safety Shoes 85100

                                                  Safety Shoes 85110

                                                    Safety Shoes 85205

                                                      Safety Shoes 85402

                                                        Antistatic Sports Shoes 85805

                                                          Sandals for Researchers

                                                            Cold-Weather Safety Boots 85702

                                                              EVA Short Cold-Weather Boots 85715

                                                                Insole Sheet for Work Shoes

                                                                  Disinfect / Deodorant Spray (For Shoes)

                                                                    Work Socks, Five Toe Type (4 Pairs)

                                                                      Safety Shoes, Professional Safety Boots

                                                                        Mesh Light, Half-Length Boots

                                                                          Creoss Plus Fumerukun 810

                                                                            Cup Insole AD-31WP Gray

                                                                              Simon insole 003 with step-down prevention board

                                                                                Safety Shoes 85105

                                                                                  ZIP up Safety Shoes 85118

                                                                                    Safety Shoes 85125

                                                                                      Safety Shoes 85128

                                                                                        Artificial Leather Shoes with Hook & Loop Fastener 85202

                                                                                          Artificial Leather Long Hook & Loop Fastener 85204

                                                                                            Safety Long Boots 85704







                                                                                            ANGEL SHOES



                                                                                            NISSHIN RUBBER




                                                                                            TRUSCO NAKAYAMA



                                                                                            ANGEL SHOES




                                                                                            AS ONE








                                                                                            AS ONE



                                                                                            TRUSCO NAKAYAMA

                                                                                            TRUSCO NAKAYAMA

                                                                                            TRUSCO NAKAYAMA

                                                                                            TRUSCO NAKAYAMA

                                                                                            TRUSCO NAKAYAMA


                                                                                            MIDORI ANZEN









                                                                                            Product Series

                                                                                            Cold-Weather Safety Boots 85705

                                                                                            Super Antistatic Sneakers 85111

                                                                                            Super Mechakaru Safety Shoes 85114

                                                                                            Kitchen Chef Shoes 85665

                                                                                            Cold-Weather Boots 85781

                                                                                            Safety Sneakers, Tie-in String Type A550

                                                                                            Antistatic Waterproof Safety Shoes 85109

                                                                                            Disposable Slippers

                                                                                            Hyper V#2000

                                                                                            Safety Shoes 85102

                                                                                            Safety Shoes 85115

                                                                                            Kitchen Shoes 85661

                                                                                            Insole (With Plate for Protecting Soles)

                                                                                            Care Walker 700 FMC700

                                                                                            Cold-Weather Safety Boots 85710

                                                                                            Toe Box Work Shoes / Safety Shoes (Synthetic Leather Shoes) A350 Hook & Loop Fastener Type

                                                                                            Safety Shoes 85124

                                                                                            Safety Shoes 85404

                                                                                            Short length Safety boots

                                                                                            safety shoes

                                                                                            Nurse Walker 201 FMN201

                                                                                            Cold-Weather Boots 85780

                                                                                            Safety Shoes 85100

                                                                                            Safety Shoes 85110

                                                                                            Safety Shoes 85205

                                                                                            Safety Shoes 85402

                                                                                            Antistatic Sports Shoes 85805

                                                                                            Sandals for Researchers

                                                                                            Cold-Weather Safety Boots 85702

                                                                                            EVA Short Cold-Weather Boots 85715

                                                                                            Insole Sheet for Work Shoes

                                                                                            Disinfect / Deodorant Spray (For Shoes)

                                                                                            Work Socks, Five Toe Type (4 Pairs)

                                                                                            Safety Shoes, Professional Safety Boots

                                                                                            Mesh Light, Half-Length Boots

                                                                                            Creoss Plus Fumerukun 810

                                                                                            Cup Insole AD-31WP Gray

                                                                                            Simon insole 003 with step-down prevention board

                                                                                            Safety Shoes 85105

                                                                                            ZIP up Safety Shoes 85118

                                                                                            Safety Shoes 85125

                                                                                            Safety Shoes 85128

                                                                                            Artificial Leather Shoes with Hook & Loop Fastener 85202

                                                                                            Artificial Leather Long Hook & Loop Fastener 85204

                                                                                            Safety Long Boots 85704

                                                                                            Days to Ship 8 Day(s) 8 Day(s) or more 8 Day(s) 10 Day(s) 10 Day(s) 4 Day(s) or more 8 Day(s) or more 8 Day(s) 4 Day(s) or more 8 Day(s) or more 10 Day(s) 11 Day(s) 5 Day(s) or more 8 Day(s) 8 Day(s) or more 4 Day(s) or more 10 Day(s) 8 Day(s) or more 8 Day(s) or more 21 Day(s) 8 Day(s) 8 Day(s) or more 9 Day(s) or more 8 Day(s) 8 Day(s) or more 8 Day(s) or more 10 Day(s) 8 Day(s) 10 Day(s) 8 Day(s) 7 Day(s) or more 8 Day(s) 8 Day(s) 8 Day(s) 29 Day(s) 5 Day(s) or more 4 Day(s) or more 9 Day(s) 10 Day(s) 4 Day(s) or more 9 Day(s) or more 8 Day(s) 10 Day(s) 10 Day(s) 8 Day(s) or more
                                                                                            Product TypeSafety shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesSlippersWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesLinerWork shoesSafety shoesSafety shoesWork shoesWork shoesSafety shoesSafety shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesSlippersSafety shoesWork shoesLinerRelated ItemSocksSafety shoesWork shoesWork shoesLinerLinerWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesWork shoesSafety shoes
                                                                                            ShapeBootsLow-top shoeLow-top shoeLow-top shoeBootsLow-top shoeLow-top shoe-Low-top shoeLow-top shoeLow-top shoeLow-top shoe-Low-top shoeBootsLow-top shoeLow-top shoeLow-top shoeBootsLow-top shoeLow-top shoeBootsLow-top shoeLow-top shoeKnitted shoesLow-top shoeLow-top shoe-BootsBoots---BootsHalf Length BootsLow-top shoe--Long knit indoor shoesLow-top shoeLow-top shoeLow-top shoeLow-top shoeLong knit indoor shoesBoots
                                                                                            Antistatic FunctionNAAvailableNANANANAAvailableNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANAAvailableNANANANANANANANANA-NANANANANANANANA
                                                                                            Upper Type-Velcro TypeString TypeWithout String-String TypeString Type-String TypeVelcro TypeString TypeWithout String-Velcro Type-Velcro TypeString TypeVelcro TypeWithout StringString TypeString Type-String TypeString TypeString + ZipperedString TypeString Type------Without StringWithout StringWithout String--Velcro TypeString + ZipperedString TypeWithout StringVelcro TypeVelcro TypeWithout String
                                                                                            Oil ResistanceAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailableNANAAvailableNANAAvailableAvailableAvailableNANAAvailableNAAvailableAvailableNANANANAAvailableAvailableNAAvailableAvailableNAAvailableNANANANANANANA-NAAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailableNANANA
                                                                                            ColorBlue TypeBlack / White Type / Blue TypeBlack / White Type / Blue TypeBlack / White TypeGreenBlack / White TypeBlackWhite TypeBlackBlack / Blue TypeBlack / White TypeWhite Type-White TypeBlackBlackBlack / Red TypeBlack / White TypeGreenWhite TypeWhite TypeBlackBlackBlack / Blue Type / Red TypeBlackBlack / White TypeBlack / White Type / Blue TypeBlackBlackBlack / Red Type / Green--White TypeBlackBlackBlackBlackBlackBlackBlack / White Type / Red TypeBlack / White TypeBlack / White TypeRed Type / YellowsRed Type / YellowsBlack
                                                                                            Size(cm)-22 ~ 2922 ~ 2922 ~ 29-23.5 ~ 2723 ~ 2926.52522 ~ 2923 ~ 2922 ~ 29-22.5 ~ 30-2623 ~ 2922 ~ 29-22.525 ~ 29-22 ~ 2922 ~ 2924.5 ~ 2922 ~ 2922 ~ 2924.5 ~ 26.525 ~ 28----24 ~ 2924.5 ~ 2527--24.5 ~ 2923 ~ 2923 ~ 2923 ~ 2924.5 ~ 2924.5 ~ 2924 ~ 28
                                                                                            StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo StandardNo Standard
                                                                                            Toe boxAvailableAvailableAvailableNANAAvailableAvailable-AvailableAvailableAvailableNA-NAAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailableNANAAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailableNANAAvailableAvailable---AvailableNANA--AvailableAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailable


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