About MISUMI Website

MISUMI's website / eCatalog is the online catalog for ‘‘MISUMI brand products’’ and ‘‘third-party brand products’’. Enjoy the convenience of easy product search, free CAD downloads, part list generation and many more features available online.

Product Search
Search for products easily. Use various search modes, such as product name search, part number search, catalog page search and specification search, to find the product you are looking for.
Part Number Generation / Price and Days to Ship
Part numbers will be generated by specifying dimensions and materials. Price and details on Days to Ship can also be checked online.
2D / 3D CAD Downloads
CAD Data for generated part numbers can be downloaded. 2D / 3D CAD data are applicable to 30 or more formats.
Quote and Order
After checking on your items using the eCatalog, you can quote and place an order through the Web Ordering System (WOS).
Web Ordering System (WOS)
Web Ordering System (WOS) is MISUMI’s next generation online quote and order platform. It is a reliable, faster and easier way of ordering MISUMI products.
